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Four Essentials

Our clubs are committed to Christian Club Essentials based on Acts 2:42 
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." (ESV)

on the Truth

In Christian clubs, we meet students from diverse Christian traditions. Then how do we decide what to affirm and share? How do we build a culture in which all are welcome to encounter God in His unchanging, everlasting truth? 

We build our programs relying on the divine authority of the Word of God given to us in the 66 books of the Bible, and the timeless Trinitarian confession of faith according to the Apostles' Creed.

Min Huh

Min Huh

Executive Director

Min is a committed disciple of Jesus Christ and a passionate witness of the Gospel. He lives to 'make Him known' and to help those who share the same divine passion. Min started this ministry to help students live out their call to be a light in their schools by planting and running Christian clubs.


Master of Divinity & Master of Theology

@ Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary



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